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Choose the session type you want to book below and complete the prompts to choose your session date and time. If you are booking a newborn session, please choose the date closest to your due date--I book only a certain number of newborns per month to ensure my availability, so once that number of dates has been booked for any given month, I will remove the other available date options. Once baby is born, you will reach out to me to let me know and we will schedule your session accordingly.
I will follow up with an email confirming your session date and time, as well as deposit information, within 24 business hours. You must pay the deposit in order to finalize booking. If the deposit has not been received within 24 hours of that email, your session will be canceled automatically. At this time, online booking is only available for family, maternity, couples and newborn sessions. If you wish to book an extended family session, or photography services for an event, you must reach out via email to
Our Services
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450 US dollarsLoading days...
From 450 US dollarsLoading days...
20 min
225 US dollars
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